I have high demands on myself. I hope to make up for my shortcomings, broaden my horizons, and improve my height by participating in personal activities and communicating with others. Maintain a positive and enterprising attitude, face failure optimistically, and grow up amidst setbacks. Humbly taught me to accept the opinions of others. From the suggestions of others, I found the nourishment for growth and grew to a higher level.

Software Developer & AI Engineer.
- CV: [myCv]
- Github: github.com/wubinary
- PhEmailone: wubinray[a]gmail.com
- City: Taipei
- Hobby: 3C Tech, Baseball, Driving
▷ Good at communicating with people and able to listen to the opinions of others.
▶ I have a lively and optimistic personality, and he can get up quickly even if he is frustrated.
▶ Possess leadership qualities and integrate group opinions.
▶ Loves outdoor sports and usually participates in various sports events.
▶ I have a rich thirst for knowledge, hoping to increase his own experience through various contacts.
▶ Good practical ability and self-exploration.
Live and learn Never cease to learn and never giveup as long as you live.
Being Creative Love to think creative stuffs and make actions. Try my best to make this world better.
Postive & Dares to Face Challenges Being creative with positive attitudes is my policy toward new challenges.
Together, We Go Far If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. Collaborate make everyone stronger.
Within AI research for couples of years, I love to devote myself into learning and discovering newest technologies on AI. I also got some extra TA & lecturer experiences during my graduate school study which also let me learned some conversation skills. Moreover, I got some experience on developing Smart Contract and DAPP on Ethereum during my undergraduate school.
Binary Wu
Innovative and newest released AI & Deep Learning Researcher with 2+ years of experience training deep learning models and developing innovative model architectures. Across different domains Computer Vision & Human Language Processing & Social Graphs, having ability to build adequate models for incoming tasks.
M.S. of Communication Engineering
aug.2019 - sep.2021
GICE, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
During the graduate school study, I devote myself into AI researches. My main research topic is unsupervised classification, which we expect to build a real AI without human interventions.
Exchange Student Program
feb.2019 - jul.2019
CS, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
During school, I study coureses of big data and information security. Also walk through over 10+ cities in china to broaden my horizons.
B.S. of Electrical & Computer Engineering
sep.2015 - feb.2019
ECE, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
During university, I choose Intellegent Robot & Computer Science as my main field which enlighte me enroll the Artificial Intellegent researching.
Introduction of Computer Science TA
mar.2021 - jun.2021
EE NTU, Taipei, Taiwan
Data Science TA
sep.2020 - jan.2021
GICE NTU, Taipei, Taiwan
FPGA Workshop Lecturer
GICE NTU, EE NTUT, Taipei, Taiwan
- A 3-day FPGA training course. Lectures include: parallel programming, Vivado HLS, SoftHardware Collaborate.
Block Chain Team R&D engineer
dec.2017 - jan.2019
Hsinchu, Taiwan
- Develop Ethereum-based block chain token (ERC-20, ERC-223, ERC-721).
- Our customers: Mr Ding Ding (Ding), Caullix bank (USDCX), panda land (Panda).
Taroko Yukids
dec.2014 - jan.2016
Taipei, Taiwan
- Being a part-time worker.
- All
- Graduate
- Side Project |
- AI
- DS
- Web
- Device
Unsupervised Community-consensus Contrastive Clustering
(Graduate Research) sep.2020-may.2021 Master NTU
M.S. Research Project - supervised by Prof. Ming-Syan Chen
Deep Learning, Unsupervised Learning
- We proposed a new CCCLoss and a one-staged clustering framework that can prevent contrastive model from collapse problem.
- Experimental results show that we can achieve the state-of-the-arts performance on 6 benchmark datasets.

Unsupervised Learning Deep Learning AI Under Review
(Graduate Topic) may.2021-present Master NTU
Team Project - course Web2021Spring final project
Web Development 服務描述:
- 2021/5/4,yahoo!關閉了Yahoo奇摩知識+。同年6月,再度傳出stackoverflow被收購的消息,這些消息令我們感到非常悲慟。因此想藉由此次的期末專題報告來做一個類似的發問求知論壇。
- 此論壇叫 epistemologyplus,這個名字取自哲學中的 epistemology,而這個詞由希臘語中的 “episteme” 及 “logos” 所衍生,前者有 “knowledge” 或 “understanding” 的意涵,後者則可理解為 “reason”。
- 此論壇是希望能成為幫助使用者學習新知的工具(epistemology),並且永遠不會滿足於目前的境界(plus),綜合以上我們賦予 epistemologyplus 這個名字。

React Node.js GraphQL MongoDB
Smart Ring
(Graduate Topic) mar.2021-apr.2021 Master NTU
Team Project - course IoT2021Spring term project
IoT devices + Full-Stack Web Development
- Developed a smart ring system on edge devices (RaspberryPi + Arduino).
- Built a web server which enbables users to control devices remotely through the website.
- Supported multiple function for users, e.g. real-time video streaming, anomaly detection, knock notification and configuration management.
- Enabled device status report and over-the-air update (git).

Git Django SQLite Apache
HOHOHO: intracranial HemOrrHage detectiOn enHenced by asymmetric lOss with CNN-LSTM
(Graduate Topic) dec.2020-jan.2021 Master NTU
Team Project - course DLCV2020Fall final project
Intracranial Hemorrhage Detection
- Cerebral hemorrhage, bleeding that occurs around or within the brains, is a serious health problem requiring rapid and often intensive medical treatment. The cerebral hemorrhage can be divided into5 categories: Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH), Intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH), Subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), Subdural hemorrhage (SDH), Epidural hemorrhage (EDH). While the diagnosis requires an urgent procedure, the process is complicated and often time-consuming. Herein, this problem is attempted to be solved by learning-based methods.
- Private project without releasing code.

Smart Medical Deep Learning AI
Efficient Two-Stream Action Recognition on FPGA
(Graduate Research) oct.2019-sep.2020 Master NTU
Lab Research Project - supervised by Prof. Ming-Syan Chen
FPGA, Soft-Hardware Collaborate
- We implement a two-stream VGG-7 action recognition model and port 8- bits quantized weight onto FPGA.
- Implementated with Vivado HLS 2019.1 on ZCU102.

FPGA Vivado HLS Edge-AI CVPR Workshop ECV2021
Cinnamon - Document Information Extraction
(Graduate Topic) mar.2020-jul.2020 Master NTU
Team Project - course ADL2019Fall final project
PDF Parsing, Information Extraction
- The challenge of shared tasks is mainly focused on information extraction, which is similar to the NER(Named Entity Recognition) task in NLP.
- Bert model prediction.

See Motion in the dark (Extremely low-light Video Processing)
(Graduate Topic) sep.2019-feb.2020 Master NTU
Team Project - course CV2019Fall final project
Deep Learning, Video Processing
- Brighten extremely low-light videos.
- Implement two models utilizing CLSTM and 3DCNN respectively.

Computer Vision Deep Learning AI
Ubuntu-20.04 Auto ML&DL server 💪
(Extracurricular Topic) jun.2020-aug.2020 Master NTU
Side Project - Co-work with labs.
- This repo is for installing ML&DL enviroment for Ubuntu-20.04, with pytorch1.4.0 tensorflow2.2.0 keras, futhermore vim zshell usefull plugins are installed too.
- zsh, vim(ycm), user skel, ufw, nv-driver, cuda, anaconda, python3, torch, keras, tensorflow

Shell Script
Area of my expertisements and interests.
Deep Learning Research
During my graduate studies, I make efforts to study many new proposed Deep Learning research, tring to make me become a AI professionalism
Software Development
I aspire to be a software develope engineer, I think making a runnable and useful program is quite a sense of accomplishment. So I devote myself to programming more programs that is useful and make world better.
Baseball Player
I play third-base man and outfielder. My favorite player of MLB is Shohei Ohtani, and for CPBL is Chia-Chia. My guard position is third baseman and out fielder.
During the university, I got MACRONIX Golden Silicon Awards which is our soil battery application project, Ministry of Education - Innovation and entrepreneurship project which is our block chain project during my entrepreneurship course and Calculus Competition Ranking top-20 award in NCTU. During my graduate studies, we enroll Ministry of Education - AI cups and got pre-standard award.
+886 918 xxxxxx